Yesterday we moved across the Bay from South Beach Marina to a mooring ball just off one of the yacht clubs. We were told that if one flies a burgee from another yacht club they will allow you to use the ball. Fees apply of course.
We have our PSCC burgee flying proudly, and this morning we will go in and see if it's proud enough. PSCC stands for Puget Sound Cruising Club. If you buy a burgee, you're a member. For life. We have meetings. We have raft ups. We have a race where the second boat across the finish line wins. We have a race where the winner has the honor of serving the losers tequila all night (all night now-a-days means 'til about nine). Its a great club.
Our son Kris left yesterday. Went back home to Seattle. The flight lasted two hours, up wind. It took us 20 days to get here, downwind. I was very sad to see him leave, it was a great joy to have him with us. Thanks Kris for keeping an eye on us.
Paul, I am enjoying following your blog and a bit jealous that I am still sitting behind a desk. Nita