We finally broke free from the dock. Our boat has not moved since we brought it down from La Conner last December.
It was a great relief to have the engine and electrical system work as well as they did.
I rebuilt the entire raw water cooling system on the Volvo diesel. Replumbed the water lines, rebuilt the raw water pump, relocated the syphon break, removed and acid cleaned the fresh water and oil heat exchangers, renewed the exchanger zincs, replumbed the transmission cooling lines, changed the belts, filters, oil in the tranny and engine, and replaced the coolant. There must be twenty new O-rings that could have leaked but didn't. The thing ran perfect, which is very unusual for one of my projects, since I normally only get thing back together approximately right the first time.
I also ripped out and replaced a ton of old non tinned 2/0 wire, junked three 165 lb. 8D gel batteries, replacing them with six Trojan T105 golf cart batteries and a dedicated engine start battery, installed fuse blocks and fuses on all the major circuits, installed new battery switches, and rewired the voltage regulators on our charger and alternator. Everything worked great. I did feel a little less apprehensive about the electrical work since I had to have everything kind of working every evening by the time Judy got home. She would not have appreciated going without power for lights, the stove, American Idol, etc.
The beauty of the Islands still amaze me. Each one is a jewel in its own way, and when you want to have a little dose of urbanity, Friday Harbor is real close with its fabulous brew pub at the foot of main street.
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